Declaration of Pancyprian Mobilization for the Freedom of Cyprus

Ελληνικά / Türkçe / English

20.07.2023 – Today, on the 49th Anniversary of the Turkish invasion, 49 citizens of the Republic of Cyprus from both the occupied and the free areas, are publishing a declaration that aims to become a point of reference for the solution to the Cyprus issue.

We propose a solution based on the European acquis communautaire and the Charter of the United Nations, which define internationally accepted democratic norms within which normal states operate.

Declaration of Pan-Cyprian Mobilization for the Freedom of Cyprus

We hereby declare our unwavering commitment to the struggle for the freedom of Cyprus and we stand united in the pursuit of a just and sustainable solution.

We consider and ascertain the following:

  • The Cyprus problem has its roots in Turkey’s expansionism and is perpetuated by its intransigence. It has resulted in military occupation and demographic alteration due to forced displacement of Cypriots and settler colonization.
  • Turkey’s strategic goal is the control of the whole of Cyprus. An apartheid-style arrangement with two constituent states, with political equality and separate sovereignty, which would facilitate Turkey in this pursuit.
  • A sustainable and just solution can be achieved through the will of Cypriots; no power or international organization is going to grant it to us or help us ensure it.

We aim for the following:

  • The withdrawal of all Turkish troops and settlers from the territories of the Republic of Cyprus, the consolidation of the Republic of Cyprus’ sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity, as well as the removal of all foreign troops and military bases on the island.
  • Ensuring the right and the conditions of safe return of all displaced persons.
  • Promoting the peaceful coexistence of all citizens of the Republic of Cyprus and emphasizing the unity of society, the economy, and the institutions of state power throughout its territory. The guarantee for this can efficiently be ensured via the membership of Cyprus in the European Union.
  • A future where all citizens will have the freedom to settle and move throughout Cyprus, have the right to work in any desired sector and exercise property rights, and enjoy the democratic freedoms of electing and being elected based on the democratic principle of “one person, one vote.”
  • Ensuring the continuation of the Republic of Cyprus, based on a political system that operates within the framework of modern pluralistic democracy, within the European Union, in order to achieve a fair, functional, and sustainable solution.

In our pursuit of saving and liberating our homeland by achieving a comprehensive solution, we propose and support:

  • Pan-Cyprian unity and solidarity.
  • Development of a multi-level and multi-dimensional foreign policy to forge strategic alliances with neighboring and other states based on common interests.
  • Working through international and European mechanisms to implement measures against Turkey while the occupation is lasting.
  • Initiating a global boycott and sanction campaign against Turkey for its war crimes and violations of human rights in Cyprus.

We, the signatories of this initiative, share the vision outlined in this Declaration. We categorically reject any so-called solution that include partition, two states, or any other arrangement with a geographical separation of Cypriots based on ethnic origin, such as a confederation or a bi-zonal bi-communal federation (BBF) which, with the separatist provisions will inevitably lead to two states. We strongly support a fully independent, truly democratic, and unitary Republic of Cyprus.

To sign the declaration:


Aristos Michaelides – Jounalist

Hara Savvidou Ieridou – Architect

Sener Levent – Journalist / Publisher

Celia Pavlaki – Business Director

Kyriacos Tsimillis – Chemist, PhD

Hari Spanou – Doctor / Author

Ibrahim Aziz – Agricultural Engineer / Journalist

Thaleia Tassou – Lawyer, Poet, Artist

Dinos Toumazos – Think Tank Director

Maria Rossidou – Architect

Oz Karahan – Political Analyst

Stephanos Constantinides – Academic / Author

Aziz Sah – Journalist

Tonia Stavrinou – Journalist

Stelios Drymiotis – Lawyer

Kamil Saldun – Film Writer & Director

Chrysanthi Savvidou – Academic / Author

Yiotis Christophorou – Businessman

Despo Pringi – Artist

Panicos Panayides – Architect / Town Planner

Ioanna Orphanou – Dentist

Sholeh Zahrael – Film Writer & Director

Nearchos Palas – Former Ambassador

Annita Aphamis – Business Director

Alexandros Michaelides – Mining Engineer / Consultant

Stefanos Kouratzis – Photographer / Columnist

Stavros Kikas – Artist / Art Teacher

Lia Ioannou – Αctivist

Maria Efstathiou – Activist

Eren Ali – Activist

Avraam Hadjigiovannis – Artist / Consultant

Artemis Hadjivarnava – Economist

Faize Ozdemirciler – Writer / Poet

Paola Christoforou – Hotel Management

Yiannis Shekersavvas – Electrical Engineer

Fanoulla Argyrou – Journalist / Researches

Andreas Kapandreou – Author / Librarian

Eva Ieridou – Enterpreneur / Events and Community Manager

Alexis Toufexis – Research Assistant

Emmanouela Economopoulou – Data Engineer

Costas Charalambidis – Researcher / Author

Zena Poulli – Columnist / Educator

Michalis Georgiades – Film Director

Cleopatra Makridou Robinet – Chemist / Poet

Petros Hadjichristodoulou – Sports Journalist

Νiki Κatsaounis – Poet / Culture and Political Analyst / PhD

Pambos Charalambous – Activist

Antonia Theodosiou – Architect & Environmental Engineer

Lora Stylianou – Lawyer