“Federation tale” is over – It’s time to restore the “Cypriot Republic”

Ελληνικά / Türkçe / English

18.09.2020 – The Union of Cypriots is monitoring the reactions of Turkish officials regarding United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres’s proposal for a 5+1 (Greek-speaking Cypriots, Turkish-speaking Cypriots, Greece, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United Nations) meeting to resolve the Cyprus problem.

Turkey’s desire to abandon the federation talks and initiate negotiations on a two-state solution for Cyprus is something we anticipated and warned the world about.

As we have consistently stated, the “federation” was merely a ploy by Turkey to buy time to solidify its colonization of the occupied areas of Cyprus. Now, what we have is a country that is occupied by a foreign power, with over a million illegal settlers and tens of thousands of military personnel. This is the result of the Greek-speaking and Turkish-speaking Cypriots playing Turkey’s federation game for over four decades, allowing Turkey to achieve its long-standing objectives. Turkey has now moved past the “federation era,” and it would be a grave mistake for Cypriots to cling to this era and continue playing Turkey’s game.

There is only one solution for Cypriots to delegitimize Turkey’s presence in Cyprus: the restoration of the constitutional order that was dismantled during the 1963-64 crisis, and a return to the unitary Republic of Cyprus. To achieve this, the Turkish-speaking Cypriots must demonstrate their willingness to return to the Republic. Then, it will be time for all Cypriots to shape their own destiny under the democratic organs of the state, in their homeland, without the presence of Turkey and the illegal Turkish settlers.

Any other scenarios would simply grant Turkey more time to pursue its underlying objective of turning Cyprus into a Turkish island.

As the Union of Cypriots, we will continue our struggle for liberation and the unitary Cyprus!

Cyprus for Cypriots!
Union of Cypriots