Support for the bill “either a pseudu-state or the Republic of Cyprus”

Ελληνικά / Türkçe / English

22.11.2019 – As the Union of Cypriots, we support the proposal made by members of EDEK and DIKO in the House of Representatives concerning the Cypriot citizenship of individuals who recognize the pseudo-state in the occupied area of Cyprus.

The aforementioned proposal aims to introduce additions to the Civil Registry Law, particularly Article 113. These additions pertain to the requirement that individuals applying for citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus or already holding citizenship declare in writing that they do not recognize the pseudo-state in the occupied area of the Republic, do not hold any office in the pseudo-administration, and do not usurp property without lawful ownership.

The continuation of the occupation of Cyprus is attributed to the presence of foreign soldiers and illegal settlers on our island, as well as the existence of political groups that benefit from the current status quo. As the Union of Cypriots, actively fighting against all these factors, we believe that the aforementioned proposal will have a positive impact on the struggle for the liberation of Cyprus. As an organization, we will soon share our thoughts on the expansion and improvement of this proposal with the Cypriot public.

Respectfully announced to the public.
Union of Cypriots