Union of Cypriots (Ένωσις Κυπρίων / Kıbrıslılar Birliği) was founded by Cypriots who have been struggling for communal existence against the occupation in Cyprus since 1974. As a vanguard formation, we campaign for the national liberation of Cypriots, under the flag that İsmet Güney gifted us in 1960, the flag of the Republic of Cyprus.
We fight for the full independence of Cyprus and against the foreign powers who see the island as an unsinkable aircraft carrier for their illegal military activities in West Asia and North Africa. We stand against the fronts that continue to chant for both the treasonous coup of Cyprus that was orchestrated by the US-backed Greek junta and the Turkish occupation that followed in 1974. Acknowledging that the Cypriot republic is not functioning since 1963 because of imperialists and their local collaborationists, Union of Cypriots sees importance in advocating the Cypriot nationalism with its progressive values, to leave one and strong Cyprus to the future.
We stand against the neoliberal policies that wild globalism and corrupt politicians implement in our island, both in free and occupied areas, by taking advantage of the current status quo. After analyzing today’s situation, we have come to the conclution that Greek-speaking and Turkish-speaking Cypriots are the only losers among the included sides in the “Cyprus game”. Union of Cypriots believes that the idea of Cypriotism is the only way to end this exploitation.
We acknowledge that with the systematic persecution and socio-cultural oppression against the Turkish-speaking Cypriots who are trapped in the occupied areas, their right to live on their homeland was taken from them. As a result of all these policies, the number of Cypriots who live in the north of the island today has decreased to a tenth of the number of illegal Turkish settlers who came after the occupation. Union of Cypriots stands against this bloodless genocide of Turkish-speaking Cypriots and fights against the illegal Turkish settlement in Cyprus.
We reject any separatist and segregationist solution which will only help foreign powers keep their hands on Cyprus forever. At the same time, we also do not believe that a solution that will provide independence for Cypriots will come from a table that includes colonialists and their international organizations. Union of Cypriots believes that the only solution can come through a republic founded on unitary, secular and modern pluralist democratic state values built by all Cypriots, to determine their own destiny. Therefore we advocate that the first step of achieving this is possible by restoring the consociational 1960 constitutional order and strengthening it with the principles of “one nation, one flag, one homeland and one state” democratically. Cyprus for Cypriots!
Union of Cypriots presents Honorary Awards to recognize the contributions of Cypriot individuals or organizations for our independence struggle. Union of Cypriots Honorary Awards are given in memory of a Cypriot community leader Dr. İhsan Ali, who spent his life for his people and the Cypriot Republic.
As a movement, we established links with many organisations all over world and has a long past of international work. Our international relations help us strengthen the independence struggle of Cypriots and fight against imperialism, in coordination with other movements around the world.

Union of Cypriots is a member of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS), a formation that supports the struggles of the peoples of the world against imperialism.

Union of Cypriots is a part of the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations (ICOR), an initiative for uniting the revolutionary movements of the world.

Union of Cypriots is a member of the United Front (International Anti-Imperialist United Front Against Fascism, War, and Environmental Destruction).

Union of Cypriots is a signatory of the Stuttgart Appeal (5 October 2008) and part of the No to war – no to NATO, the network to delegitimize NATO.

Union of Cypriots is affiliated with the Resist US-Led War Movement, a broad global network against US-led imperialist war and militarism.